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  1. Ali Libondo

    Reviewing the development phase of Base Titanium Kwale World Class Mineral Sands Project, here is a summery of the construction milestones:
    July 2012 – Earthworks started
    September 2012 – Storage shed foundation started
    October 2012 – Marine works started
    July 2013 – Storage shed completed
    August 2013 – Marine works completed
    October 2013 – Ship loader installed
    February 2014 – First shipment of minerals
    Watch the video to see the detailed construction processes. To help Kwale County, Kenya and other countries in Africa and beyond which are still trying to develop their extractives sector industries, EVITO blog platform is inviting you to join us in reviewing local content maximization through early community engagements and general procurement of goods and services during the construction phase of Base Titanium’s Likoni Mineral Shipment Port. What are the best practice milestones for documentation and replication? What are the challenges and lessons learnt? What could have been done differently to achieve maximized investor and community mutual benefits?